Monday, August 8, 2011



Have you ever dared enter the spinning chambers at the gym? Well I took my 2nd class so far at the new gym I am going to and it was great. Why was it great you ask? Because I learned my lesson the 1st time I took this class.  Basically DaBooty area was not happy, sore and painful for several days. Instead of giving up and just walking on the boring treadmill, I decided to do something about it! 

I first had a mini convo with the other Spinning followers about their experience with the non-friendly spinning seat? Someone mentioned wearing special padded pants to workout in.... hummmmm to wear a pair of workout pants that have padding. Hummmm ummm no... so DaBooty could look even bigger? No thanks. So once I again I thought what can I do to be more comfortable so I can keep spinning? Well I googled OF COURSE and found the following item:

Gel Bike Cover

It was very helpful, I am actually going to step it up a notch and take 2 spinning classes a week!  Go Me!!! I hope you will join me.

1 comment:

  1. yay michelle!!! I'm so proud of you

    maybe my Bootayyy will go to the gym soon....but padded pants lmao!! 0_O
