Friday, August 19, 2011

Yeah baby...

Ah yes... another Friday is here at last. So are you feeling Fabulous? I am.
Check out this website ---->
Price ranges from $ to $$$.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Love it!!!

I am ready to embrace the FALL!!! So here is a little goulish website I discovered... It is trully fabulous
Dark and Goulish....   

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


As I sit here with my coffee, I hear my friends chatting and it makes me happy to hear their voices and also hear about their happy events and everyday joys.   I appreciate all the sounds and visions around me. They are inspiring and motivating.
I hope that you the reader also have everday events in your life that make you smile.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Just Scream...

Times are hard... No money... but do you have at least one person you can count on to make you laugh? Then you have a lot... So let's take our $2.00 use them wisely and smile.   Scream, run in the park... look up at the sky. 
You are alive today doesn't that count?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dare to try...

Have you ever decided to jump right in and take a chance? Try it... if it works out fabulous if it doesn't at least you tried.  Just taking the chance is a big accomplishment, make it happen, go for it! You never know what can happen.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011



This week there have been a series of unfortunate and extremely strange and wonderful events.  Apparently the moon was full on Monday night and now everyone and everything has gone topsy turvy.

Photo Source:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Another day...

So the question is To Blog or Not To Blog? So I BLOG...

Again my blog is not about anything specific just daily life.  I am fortunate to always have interesting and somewhat strange events happen during my day. So stay tuned.

Insider.... Do you believe in yourself? Well you should... more on that later.

Monday, August 8, 2011



Have you ever dared enter the spinning chambers at the gym? Well I took my 2nd class so far at the new gym I am going to and it was great. Why was it great you ask? Because I learned my lesson the 1st time I took this class.  Basically DaBooty area was not happy, sore and painful for several days. Instead of giving up and just walking on the boring treadmill, I decided to do something about it! 

I first had a mini convo with the other Spinning followers about their experience with the non-friendly spinning seat? Someone mentioned wearing special padded pants to workout in.... hummmmm to wear a pair of workout pants that have padding. Hummmm ummm no... so DaBooty could look even bigger? No thanks. So once I again I thought what can I do to be more comfortable so I can keep spinning? Well I googled OF COURSE and found the following item:

Gel Bike Cover

It was very helpful, I am actually going to step it up a notch and take 2 spinning classes a week!  Go Me!!! I hope you will join me.

Day 1

So today is day 1... of what you may ask? Well of the beginning of a new start.
Well doesn't that sound like the beginning of a story? Well it might just be that... stay tuned, this blog will be about life.